Saturday, March 13, 2021

China's trickiest trick? Understand why the whole world is worried with a USB connector

 New Delhi:

Diplomatic relations between the US and China are 42 years old, but the world's two largest economies are fighting for their domination on a global scale. A new type of cold war is being seen in the world at present. China is now ready to move ahead from this rivalry to become the boss in the tech world. In this battle, China is looking at 5G technology as a big opportunity. This is exactly the same as Google's Android operating system in more than 70 percent of mobiles worldwide. Its direct benefit is to the American company Google. China's effort in setting the standard can be understood from the example of USB.

Preparing to set standards for industries worldwide

China is busy setting standards for industries worldwide. Chinese companies are fully geared up on 5G. China is preparing a strategy for China Standard 2035 for areas such as Artificial Intelligence and 5G, while making clear its intentions. An example of this is that despite all US sanctions, the Chinese company Huawei has applied for the most number of 5G patents. It is through these patents that China will collect royalties from American companies as well as from all over the world. However, patents are not the only thing. Setting standards is two-way. Many companies participate in this.

This is how the industry standard becomes, understand with USB


USB is a great example to understand this. Despite having many devices in the market, we only search for USB readers for data transfer. Why is this, then the answer is that it has become the standard of the industry. Earlier, different types of connectors were used in devices. This included PS / 2, DIN connector, game port, firewire, SCSI, serial port. The USB Implementers Forum set the specifications for the USB port. It was a US based NGO. It had seven members, of which 5 were Americans. All of these served to make USB a common protocol. After the introduction of the 1996 USB, when Apple used it in the iMac, it gained a lot of popularity. Today it has become a universal connector due to its ease of use and acceptance.

Why are western countries upset with China

In the US, where the approach to set the standard is decontrolled and determined by the market, China is making concerted efforts for it. This includes supporting their companies. Gradually, the dominance of Western countries over standard agencies is becoming less. Currently, there are at least four Chinese officials as heads of the International Standards Organization. After being defeated by the US and European countries to challenge WiFi with WAPI in 2003 and 2004, China is now working more actively.

Where is India standing in this battle




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